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It is a major surgery and requires several weeks of recovery.It, however, is a procedure one should avoid unless absolutely necessary. “Limb lengthening surgery is done after an accident or due to infection, cancer or by birth, when one limb ends up shorter than other. If the risk is more than the benefit then it is better to avoid it,” explains Dr N.Leg-lengthening procedures were originally used to treat limb defects or injuries, but recently a growing trend has emerged and patients, especially youngsters, request doctors for the sole purpose of getting taller. consultant orthopaedic surgeon, Care Hospitals. And with youngsters having enough money these days, they don’t mind splurging on the procedure. People at large are subconsciously influenced by celebrities or anything that brings them closer to them. Later they regret it and undergo treatments, procedures and surgeries that not only lower their prospects of better health but also have a devastating effect on their psyche. The short limb is lengthened by few inches, using this technique. Otherwise dealing with complications will be difficult and will lead to unacceptable outcomes.

Jithendran, consultant aesthetic, plastic and reconstructive surgeon, Global Hospitals. Jithendran. The new kid on the plastic surgery block is limb lengthening. It could help with the marriage and career prospects, but it’s just an aspect of an unrevealed psyche that somewhere yearns for a better aesthetic appearance. The same surgery done by two different surgeons will lead to two different outcomes,” adds Dr N. Most places where you undergo procedures are not competent in dealing with any complications that may arise. The risk-benefit ratio has to be assessed before undergoing any procedure. More importantly, it should be acknowledged that height, unlike weight, has significant genetic impact and one should learn to be happy with what they have.Botox, facelifts and implants are passé. The same surgery is rarely performed on both limbs to increase the height,” says Dr Priti Shukla, consultant plastic and cosmetic surgeon, Ambrosia Clinic.Concentrate on health than enhancing featuresThe Indian Orthopaedic Association (IOA) has advised people not to do the surgery unless for rare cases.

So, the cosmetic surgeon should also have a good reconstructive surgery background. “One should understand China double color injection molding machine that these procedures range from simple to complex and have two sides of the coin — benefit and risk. Choosing the right surgeon is importantAn aspiring actor spent lakhs for having his legs surgically lengthened.“Another thing is to make sure that all cosmetic procedures are done by a trained plastic surgeon. People must understand that doing the bare minimum for good health, like exercising, a good diet and sound sleep are more than enough and should do the needful in bringing out a good personality,” says Dr Praveen Mereddy, Sr. Although Ilizarov (limb lengthening) surgery is an effective way of lengthening the bones up to four to six inches, doctors advise not to go for this extremely slow and painful procedure just for cosmetic purposes. In the formative years, people don’t take adequate proteins or practice other factors that contribute towards a desirable height.“What eventually matters is our overall health and not an enhanced feature. It is always best to verify the credentials of the surgeon before putting yourself under his knife

Posté le 20/01/2021 à 04:01 par hiybrnrvoq
Catégorie PET injection molding machine